Teaching Wellness

THE WELL-BALANCED TEACHER: Stay Sane In & Out of the Classroom

Course No. ED463t, ED563t


Feel stressed? Feel as if there is not enough time in the day to get everything done? Feel as if you always put yourself last? These are just a few of the common and overwhelming feelings teachers express as they have more to do each day with seemingly less time to do it. In this course, for all teachers K-12, you will learn how to balance your life so that you can feel more positive about yourself and teaching, feel better both physically and mentally, and determine your non-negotiables, what to “let go” of, and how to have a mindset of self-efficacy. Remember: you have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of others.

This course is appropriate for teachers K-12.   Text cost about $10 on Amazon.

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
  • Create boundaries and routines that will result in richer lives, in and outside of the classroom.
  • Acquire strategies for meeting basic needs of eating well, hydrating, being active, and taking care of spiritual necessities.
  • Learn how to positively manage stress.
  • Build positive relationships with colleagues, students, families, and administration.
  • Engage in more self-efficacy and maintain a sense of purpose.
  • Learn how to become more positively engaged with one’s school and community.

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