Suzanne Warner


Suzanne Warner, M.S., received her Masters Degree in Education from the University of Rochester, New York.  She has taught mathematics in the middle school, high school, and college settings, most recently in Oregon. Suzanne has been lauded by administrators, colleagues, students and parents regarding her teaching and classroom management skills. Her students enjoy learning in a respectful, productive environment, where each student is in control of her/his own learning and behaviors. She strongly believes that all students want to do well, and creates a teaching environment for them to succeed. 

When not in the classroom, Suzanne enjoys spending time with her family reading, hiking, backpacking and traveling.

Offered Courses


Course No. ED477v, ED577v

Tuition $380 ‑ $495

Quarter Credits 6

Technology – smart phones, social media, the Internet – can make our lives easier and more fulfilling.  However as with everything else, too much can be overwhelming and even unhealthy.  It is important that we – and our students - learn to disconnect and pursue activities and have experiences that are not technologically dependent. Participants explore the why and how to unplug/disconnect, spend some time experiencing unplugged time, and learn how to implement some unconnected time in the classroom as well.


Course No. ED475W. ED575W

Tuition $380 ‑ $495

Quarter Credits 6

The path to peace in the world starts with peace of mind. Participants in this course will learn educational strategies to help students calm themselves, alter their state of mind, and learn how to manage their behaviors. The result is more happiness, less conflict, and higher rates of authentic learning. Strategies will include techniques of self-observation and following the breath. Participants will explore literature and social studies that address the issues of peace.


Course No. ED473w, ED573w

Tuition $195 ‑ $280

Quarter Credits 3

Albert Einstein said, “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” These words are the basis of peace in our classrooms. Peace means empathy for others, comprehension of differences, and knowledge of how and why to bridge those differences.

KIDS & SOCIAL MEDIA: Concerns & Best Uses

Course No. ED472s, ED572s

Tuition $380 ‑ $495

Quarter Credits 6

Social Media and our students - it connects them, yet also divides them. Many questions surround the use of social media in terms of our students:

  • How much time on social media is too much?
  • What are the effects of social media on students – their brain development, identity, possible addiction, and well-being? 
  • Is there a positive side to social media in terms of student use?
  • How can we keep our students safe from the negatives of social media, such as cyber-bullying?
  • What advice can we share with our students and their parents to make the most of social media?

This class will delve into these questions (and more). You will learned about the positives and negatives about social media, form your own answers to some of these questions, and come away with ways to advise students and parents about the best way to use social media and the best ways to safe safe on social media.


Course No. ED471b, ED571b

Tuition $380 ‑ $495

Quarter Credits 6

Think of a lesson that you currently teach – perhaps it’s fractions, structuring complex sentences, Spanish, healthy eating, anything…..  Imagine having students learn the basics of the lesson at home – with video or animation that they can re-watch as many times as necessary until they grasp the concepts. Then classroom time can be spent expanding the lesson and digging deeper into the concept, or helping students in the specific areas where they need help to master the lesson, or complete what was once called “homework.” This is how flipping works – either a lesson or an entire curriculum – and is taking the K-12 world by storm.

Flipping offers numerous benefits for students and teachers – it allows students to learn at their own pace, helps solve the issues of incomplete homework and absent students, helps teachers work with students alone/pairs/groups to meet the many differing needs of our students, allows the classroom time to be used for exploring concepts deeper and more fully.

In this course you will learn:

  • The benefits of flipping
  • How to flip a lesson, and make it easy by doing one lesson at a time
  • How flipping positively affects student achievement
  • how to flip when students do not have access to technology at home
  • What the flipped lesson/classroom looks like.

Here’s a 3-minute video on the flipped classroom ~ enjoy!

(On a personal note - I was very reluctant to flip my math class and now will not go back to traditional teaching – this is why I am offering this course. I have seen so much improvement with my students’ knowledge and assessment scores that it amazes me.) Used text on Amazon costs about $8. This class is appropriate for teachers of all levels, K-12.

GENERATION Z: Understanding & Teaching The Kids In Our Classrooms

Course No. ED467g, ED567g

Tuition $380 ‑ $495

Quarter Credits 6

Generation Z comprises students born since 1995 into a digital world made up of the Internet and cell phones. They are enmeshed in social media and criticized for lacking social skills. However, they are the future and we need to teach them in a manner that will lead to their success. To do that, learn how to best meet the unique needs of Generation Z and how to engage them in the K-12 classroom. Learn about what they think, where they are going and how they may change the world.


Course No. ED466o, ED566o

Tuition $195 ‑ $280

Quarter Credits 3

Student anxiety is rising at an alarming rate. Starting in kindergarten it continues to rise and progresses through elementary, middle, and the high school years. You can help. Learn to identify the key forms of anxiety: excessive anxiety; occasional anxiety; chronic anxiety disorder. Apply tools and strategies from this course to help K-12 students learn to manage their anxiety and succeed in school. Gain strategies for talking with parents about your concerns. Text is about $32 at Amazon.


Course No. ED465v, ED565v

Tuition $195 ‑ $280

Quarter Credits 3

This course meets OSPI’s STEM requirements

Learn how to incorporate great STEM lessons (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) into your K-8 classroom, and why STEM integration is important. You will also learn to use rich resources, creative activities and templates to enhance student learning and confidence. The popular movie "The Martian," provides a rich resource of STEM activities. Your students will discover the many occupations STEM learning translates into.  Fulfills OSPIs STEM requirements for Washington State teachers.


Course No. ED463u, ED563u

Tuition $195 ‑ $280

Quarter Credits 3

Students who struggle the most in their classes are the ones with poor reading skills. You dont have to become a reading teacher to give your students a few reading strategies to build confidence. Our text, How to Teach Reading When Youre Not a Reading Teacher by Sharon Faber, has an extensive list of easy-to-use strategies for you to use.

THE WELL-BALANCED TEACHER: Stay Sane In & Out of the Classroom

Course No. ED463t, ED563t

Tuition $195 ‑ $280 $195

Quarter Credits 3

Feel stressed? Feel as if there is not enough time in the day to get everything done? Feel as if you always put yourself last? In this course, teachers K-12, you will learn how to balance your life so that you can feel more positive about yourself and teaching, feel better both physically and mentally, and determine your non-negotiables, what to let go of, and how to have a mindset of self-efficacy.


Course No. ED463s, ED563s

Tuition $380 ‑ $495

Quarter Credits 6

How often do we get to simply read for pleasure and inspiration in ways that enrich our lives and our work?  In this course you will choose from a wide range of reading  that suit your personal and professional needs.  You will also reflect on the importance of engaging your students in productive reading.


Course No. MA400o, MA500o

Tuition $315 ‑ $415

Quarter Credits 5

Create a mathematics classroom atmosphere where students no longer fear math, no longer have anxiety about math, and no longer think they are simply just not good at math.  Jo Boaler is a Stanford University professor with research-based and field-tested strategies whose book Mathematical MIndsets will help you create a math classroom where students experience mathematics though a positive growth mindset method. Videos and additional website readings will complement the Mathematical Mindsets book. Teachers will learn to create mathematical tasks, assessments, and feedback that encourage student growth, understanding, and joy as their students master mathematical ideas and concepts.

WHEN TEACHING GETS TOUGH: Smart Ways to Reclaim Your Game

Course No. ED461A, ED561A

Tuition $195 ‑ $280

Quarter Credits 3

As a teacher do you ever feel overwhelmed? Burned-out? Do you feel as if you can’t get through to some students? That you lack administrative support? That you cannot connect with some parents? That you can’t get away from negativity when you go to the lunchroom or pass certain teachers in the hallway? That you lack important resources for yourself or your students? Perhaps you just can’t break out of your own rut.

When Teaching Gets Tough offers practical strategies teachers can use to make things better right away. The text offers specific and distinct examples and strategies for addressing a plethora of difficult situations, as well providing as reflective opportunities and specific sections designed for administrators. The supplemental readings offer even more ideas and opportunities for exploring solutions. Once the course is completed, teachers will feel back on top of their game, re-energized, and know that they are making a positive difference in their lives and the lives of their students.

TEACHING NUMERACY: Habits To Ignite Math Thinking

Course No. ED458n, ED558n

Tuition $195 ‑ $280

Quarter Credits 3

Many students lack basic numeracy – the ability to think through math problems logically, solve problems, and apply math outside the classroom. This independent study course outlines nine critical thinking habits that foster numeracy and details practical ways to incorporate these habits into your instruction. The text, Teaching Numeracy: 9 Critical Habits to Ignite Mathematical Thinking, refers to Common Core Standards, NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Standards, and numerous successful mathematical literacy practices. Included in each section is a “How Can I Do This in My Math Class…Tomorrow?” application section with multiple ideas and methods to incorporate numeracy into your classroom. No more will students arrive at wildly wrong answers and have no idea how or why!

HANDS-ON MATH: Real World Applications

Course No. ED458o, ED558o

Tuition $195 ‑ $280

Quarter Credits 3

“When are we ever gonna use this?” is a question often asked by math students. This happens because skills are so frequently taught in isolation from their application. By participating in hands-on math activities, our students learn the connection between what is taught in the classroom and the real world. This course offers something for all teachers K-12; whether they are specialized math teachers at the high school level or elementary teachers who do it all, Hands-On Math will help students answer their own question…………..“When are we ever gonna use this?”