Challenging Students,  Classroom Management,  Education


Course No. ED419G, ED519G

Noted psychologist Abraham Maslow shares that people have specific needs in their lives. Areas of safety and belonging are critical components to a healthy person. Unfortunately, put-downs, gossip,  and  criticism abound throughout our schools, leaving many students feeling isolated, picked-on and unsafe. This course will examine strategies that will help you create a milieu of success and positive interactions in your school. Strategies to develop classroom discipline plans, classroom rules, building-wide discipline plans, and ideas for helping students avoid criticism, gossip and rumors will be presented. A major emphasis will be on how gossip, rumors and negative comments impact students and adults.

This course is appropriate for all educators P-12.

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
     1.  Identified motivation for put-downs and negative comments.
     2.  Re-framed and re-directed gossip among students and staff.
     3.  Developed a safe classroom environment that will encourage student growth.
     4.  Utilized effective conflict resolution strategies with students.
     5.  Taught specific conflict mediation strategies to students and help them implement them with peers.
     6.  Identified the sources of conflict and ways to help students identify these same sources.
     7.  Taught effective responses to criticism, put-downs and negative talk.

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