Challenging Students,  Classroom Management,  Counseling & Special Ed

SOCIAL SKILLS: A Foundation for Learning

Course No. SS401V, SS501V

According to research by Labor and Industry, a lack of social skills is the major reason people are fired from jobs. Though most educators agree and understand the significance of this area, the educational field has not provided adequate training or preparation for the majority of its employees. This class will allow you the opportunity to gain valuable strategies in teaching social skills and self-esteem. Many methods presented can be utilized immediately in a school without sacrificing valuable content time. In addition, specific curriculums will be examined and explored for use within a school. This information will prove valuable to all educators.

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
     1. Listed key social skills necessary ito an optimal school experience.
     2. Analyzed and developed a program of presentation for each of these skills.
     3. Provided strategies to other educators in areas of increasing self-esteem in students.
     4. Effectively integrate skill building concepts into every day curriculum.
     5. Implemented a social skills program in a classroom, group, or other setting.

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