Joseph Britton


Joseph Britton, B.S., at Princeton University, was formerly a Mechanical Engineer, designing energy systems and, in a different department, an Instructor teaching Yoga, Movement, and Meditation.

Upon moving to and living in Japan for 28 years, Joseph co-founded Japan’s first executive speech training company based in Tokyo, Media and Communications. Several years later, at Osaka Metropolitan University, he was honored to become a Professor of Communications & Mindfulness for 22 years. During this culturally rich experience, he spent many years personally studying with renowned Zen Buddhist master Uchiyama Kosho Roshi in Kyoto, Japan. He has taught seminars in communications and mindfulness through-out Asia, Europe and North America.

To understand the dynamics of how we generate and project energy, he also became a Hellerwork body & movement practitioner.

Presently, Joseph is a Adjunct Instructor at Portland Community College in the Community Education Department teaching 3 courses: Mindfulness – Awareness Practice, Mysteries of Dying, and Public Speaking with Mindfulness.

He is also a Hospice Volunteer accompanying people who die alone.

Mike Seymour, M.S., has been associated with K-12 education since 1990, most recently in his role as President and Director of The Heritage Institute, a program of continuing education for K-12 teachers. 

Mike has a B.S. in Comparative Literature from Columbia University and a M.S. in Marriage & Family Therapy from Seattle Pacific University.


Offered Courses

MINDFULNESS: Awareness Practice

Course No. ED481d, ED581d

Tuition $195 ‑ $280

Quarter Credits 3

For teachers tending to the demands of a rigorous and challenging teaching schedule this mindfulness class includes time-honored and research-supported methods for enhancing our well-being, mental clarity and happiness. Included will be meditations for developing steady equanimity, confidence and a sense of authenticity when communicating with, and admired by, your students.