Education,  Leadership


Course No. ED477k, ED577k


This course will help teachers develop their voice, presence, and power in the school context. It is designed especially for newer, younger, or less-confident-for-whatever-reason teachers. In addition, teachers will explore tools to help develop their students' voice and sense of power.  Note that "power" in the course refers to everyone in a classroom-- or school-- being empowered to do what they are there to do, and to do it effectively. Everything in the course is also applicable to administrators who are leading staff meetings, professional development sessions, or the like. School counselors may also find this material relevant to their work in building students' personal tool-kit for confidence. 

There are three interwoven aspects to the course: a) developing one's own "presence" and confidence in speaking in front of and/or managing others; b) developing student's voice in the classroom through the use of discussion protocols; c) using effective techniques for shifting between moments when teacher voice is central to what is happening and when student voice is central to what is happening. 

Required texts:
1) Presence, 2) The Power of Protocols: An Educator's Guide to Better Practice - Second Edition, and the audiobook 3) 51 Affirmations for Being a Powerful Speaker are required for everyone in the course. 4) Management in the Active Classroom is required for 500-level participants.

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus

1. Reflected on your current understanding of key terms in the course as well as motivations for taking the course. 

2. Taken a deep dive into the idea of “presence.”

3. Explored how the body can communicate power and/or powerlessness to the brain.

4. Considered how your voice can be strengthened through practice. 

5. Considered how you can practice certain postures to increase your presence. 

6. Considered the power of protocols in your classroom to shift teaching-as-talking to teaching-as-facilitating (sometimes).

7. Developed a daily practice with either voice or posture or both.

8. Tried out new protocols with your students.

9. Reflected on how your understanding of key terms has changed during this course.

10. Revised your thinking/planning by redoing an existing or previously taught lesson plan to include new protocols.

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