DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: Using Smartphones, Tablets and Apps


[semester equivalent = 4.00 credits]



Debora Supplitt



In 2020 and beyond, educators witnessed a new model for administering online virtual, home base, and or brick and motor school site education. Educators are rapidly discovering the power of integrating smartphones, tablets, and apps for learning that is integrated into the ongoing classroom curriculum. With the use of many interactive photography editing curriculum apps, students become engaged, interested, motivated, and eager to learn. Participants will discover the power of project-based learning by developing digital photography Google websites, creative digital videos, editing, mixing, and creating a memorable project by accessing student's everyday smartphones and tablets. This course, participants will develop grade-specific (K-12) project-based lessons and come away with an energized "go-to" curriculum.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, participants will have:

  • To download iOS apps and Android/Google (application) onto smartphones and tablets from various web sites.
  • Accessed smartphone camera mode and photography roll.
  • Developed a strong working knowledge of the navigation techniques for the camera, photo storage, and uploading photos to an app.
  • Thoroughly perused the smartphone tutorials for the camera option.
  • Explored several websites, articles, blogs, and sites offering examples of photo editing.
  • Developed curriculum for digital photography in the classroom.
  • Discussed the integration of photography apps and tools for classroom use.

Completion of all specified assignments is required for issuance of hours or credit. The Heritage Institute does not award partial credit.

The use of artificial intelligence is not permitted. Assignment responses found to be generated by AI will not be accepted.

Completing the basic assignments (Section A. Information Acquisition) for this course automatically earns participants their choice of CEUs (Continuing Education Units), Washington State Clock Hours, Oregon PDUs, or Pennsylvania ACT 48 Hours. The Heritage Institute offers CEUs and is an approved provider of Washington State Clock Hours, Oregon PDUs, and Pennsylvania ACT 48 Hours.



Continuing Education Quarter credits are awarded by Antioch University Seattle (AUS). AUS requires 75% or better for credit at the 400 level and 85% or better to issue credit at the 500 level. These criteria refer both to the amount and quality of work submitted.

  1. Completion of Information Acquisition assignments 30%
  2. Completion of Learning Application assignments 40%
  3. Completion of Integration Paper assignment 30%


CREDIT/NO CREDIT (No Letter Grades or Numeric Equivalents on Transcripts)
Antioch University Seattle (AUS) Continuing Education Quarter credit is offered on a Credit/No Credit basis; neither letter grades nor numeric equivalents are on a transcript. 400 level credit is equal to a "C" or better, 500 level credit is equal to a "B" or better. This information is on the back of the transcript.

AUS Continuing Education quarter credits may or may not be accepted into degree programs. Prior to registering, determine with your district personnel, department head, or state education office the acceptability of these credits for your purpose.



Download Apps for iPad, Chromebook, or smart phones:

iOs Photobooth: Free Or Chromebook: CamWow Free.

Photshop Mix: Free Google: Still available as of Jan. 13, 2022 Adobe removed the app from the Apple Store.


Adobe Photoshop Express App for Mac:

Adobe Photoshop Express App for Windows:

Adobe Spark: Video, Free version:

SnapSeed: Free: iOs  OR Androd:

None. All reading is online.


Textbook: Jo Bradford (2018) Smart Phone Smart Photography: Simple techniques for taking incredible pictures with iPhone and Android. Paperback approximately $14.00 Kindle: $7.00



Assignments done in a course forum will show responses from all educators who have or are taking the course independently. Feel free to read and respond to others' comments. 
Group participants can only view and respond to their group members in the Forum. 

Assignment #1: Introduce Yourself, Text and App Download

Write a 450-500 word response to the following questions.

Please introduce yourself (i.e., teaching assignment, location, level, etc.).

  • Discuss why you chose this course?
  • What is your background?
  • Describe your previous experience, if any, with photography using a smartphone, tablet, and any photo apps.
  • Describe your classroom or home-based setting, what age or grade, and finally, for what you would like to integrate and develop your lessons and unit plan.

Post your word document or response in the Assignment Response Box.

Download the Textbook from Kindle and the Apps that are referenced in the required Text and supplies from the description page of this course.

Assignment #2: Create a NEW Google Site

Create a Google Account View Video and setting up and create a "Google Account" 

Leeman, T. (2020) How to create a Google account. YouTube 5:40

Plus: View one of the following:

Bradbury, J. (2018) New Google Site for Beginners: New Google Website Development YouTube 8:47


Flipped Classroom (2019) Create a NEW Google Website: YouTube 23:28

Create your New Google Site (or another if you have one already) where you will load your work to be reviewed by the instructor.

  • Take pictures for all of your assignments with a smartphone, tablet and or digital camera.
  • Upload those images to your Google Account/Drive.
  • Create a “Home Page” for your Google Site.
  • On the Homepage choose an image that best reflects you.
  • Put your name, the title of the course, and date created on your “Home Page.”
  • You can change and or create the background image of your homepage anytime.
  • Allow access:

Before logging off of your website (EVERY TIME!), push the Publish Option after every change on your website.

Post: Copy the New Google Site's URL/Link address and post that link to the assignment response box.

  • Note:  All Google Websites are dependent on website participant sharing access with instructor's G-Mail account. No password for sharing is needed.

Assignment #3: Composition, New Pages for New Google Site

Read Text: Section 1, Chapter 1-3, Lessons 1-10 pgs. 1-78 (Kindle Version); Create/Add Pages for New Google Site.

Activity: With your smartphone and or tablet, choose at least 3, or more areas, from your readings. Take ten (10) shots for each photography lesson you have chosen (30 Shots for 3 lessons). After each photo shoot, choose one or two of your best shots for each lesson, a minimum of at least six (6) shots, delete the ones you do not like off your camera or photo roll (this will save your memory in your device) and upload those selected shots to your Google Drive.

Create New Pages for your Google Site:
Add a new page (+) to your new Google Site. (video in the previous lesson)

  • Title this page, a suggestion: "The Big Picture."
  • Change the Page Image so that it is not the same as your home page (handout how to change the image and background)
  • In the body of the newly created page, insert your 10-20 shots from your Google Drive.
  • Add text to each picture labeling the photo with the Lesson title and add the date.
  • Select a colorful background for each inserted stip of pictures.

    Remember to Select PUBLISH after each addition or edit to your New Google Site.

Post your updated New Google Site URL to the Assignment Response Prompt

Assignment #4: Exposure

Read Chapter 2: Lessons 1-10 (Kindle) pgs. 81-122

Create and Add a new page on your New Google Site. Title this page, suggested title "Exposure."

  • Choose two lessons from 4-8, taking at least ten (10) shots each from your chosen lessons.
  • Select one-or-more of your best shots (2 or more shots per lesson) to post from each of your chosen lessons.
  • Upload these images into your Google Drive and post to the "Exposure" page.
  • With each posted image add text that includes the lesson number and date.
  • Select a different background image for the header of the "Exposure" page.
  • Select a colored textured background for each posted photo section.


Post your New Google Site URL in the Assignment response box.

Assignment #5: Read Chapter 3 Photography is Light and Photo Editing App

Read: Chapter 3 Photography is LIght Lessons 1-10, pgs. 122-179.






  • Any Filter App that works for your setting. Please notify the instructor of which Filter App or program you will be using. (Note: Some have used Snapchat filter options)

Using your chosen filter app or program, create "selfies" using the different editing features, take a few selfies, and then upload the image into the following filters. Examples: Thermal Imaging, Distortion, Xray (Positive to Negative), Photographers Choice, Examples: http://

Choose at least 3 Lessons from #4-10 create 10 shots from each lesson Choose 6 or more shots to save.
Using the your chosen filter apps create "selfies" experiment with the different editing features. Choose one selfie shot to explore the editing features. Create 5, or more different edited shots.


Select your favorite shots from the chosen lessons plus from the app.

  • Delete the other shots you don't like off of your camera roll.
  • Upload the 6, or more shots, from your lessons selection to your Google Drive.
  • Upload the 5, or more shots, edited images using Photo Booth or Cam Wow to your Google Drive.
  • Create a New Google Site Page. Suggested title of the new page: "Photography and Light."
  • Insert your images to your new Google Site. Add the Text option for the date and title of the image.
  • Change the new page heading image and photo image background.

Post: Google Website URL Assignment Response Prompt box.

Assignment #6: Landscapes

Read Making Pictures; Places, Chapter 1, Lesson 1-6, pgs. 182-214;

Select three lesson areas to shoot

  • Shoot at least ten (10) images per lesson area.
  • Choose two (2) of your best shots from each lesson and upload to your Google Drive.
  • Delete the unchosen images off of your camera or photo roll.
  • Create a new page on your Google Website, suggested title "Landscapes."
  • Change the landscape page image.
  • Add the chosen photos to the body of this page.
  • Select a textured colored background for your photos.


Post the Google Website URL to the assignment response box.

Assignment #7: People

Read People Lessons, 1-9, pg. 215-261
Select three lesson areas to shoot.
Adobe Photoshop Mix:
Select two images to upload to Adobe Photoshop Mix and adjust using the "Looks" option to Black and White.

  • Save and Upload to your Google Drive.
  • Shoot ten (10) images for each of your chosen lesson areas.
  • From those ten (10) images, choose two (2) best shots from each lesson.
  • Upload to your Google Drive.
  • Delete the unchosen images off of your camera or photo roll.
  • Create a new page on your Google Website, suggested title "People."
  • Change the "People" page image.
  • Add the chosen photos to the body of this page.
  • Select a textured colored background for your photos.

Post the Google Website URL to the assignment response box.

Assignment #8: Natural World and Snapseed app

Read: Chapter 3 Natural World Lessons 1-9, pgs. 264-305​
Select three or more lesson areas to shoot.

  • Shoot at least ten (10) images per lesson area.
  • Choose two (2) of your best shots from each selected lesson areas.
  • Upload to your Google Drive.
  • Delete the unchosen images off of your camera or photo roll.
  • Create a new page on your Google Website, suggested title "Natural World."
  • Change the "Natural World" page image.
  • Add the chosen photos to the body of this page.
  • Select a textured colored background for your photos.

App: Snapseed

  • Download Snapseed App.
  • Review the basic tutorials found on the Snapseed App.
  • Select two of your saved shots to upload and experiment editing within the Snapseed App.
  • Save these images and upload them to your Google Drive.
  • Add these images to your "Landscape" page.
  • Title these shots "Snapseed" and add the date.

Also, discuss in 200-250 words how Assignments #2-8 could be integrated into any S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering/Design, Art, and Math curriculum. Include any thoughts or ideas for each of the S.T.E.A.M. areas.

Upload this document to your Google Website.

Post the Google Website URL to the assignment response box.

Assignment #9: Getting Creative

Read Chapter 4; Getting Creative, Lessons 1-8, pgs. 306-354.

  • Create and Add a new page on your New Google Site. Title this page, suggested title "Getting Creative."
  • Choose three (3) lessons taking at least ten (10) shots each from your chosen lessons.
  • Select two (2) or more of your best shots, per lesson, to post from each of your chosen lessons.
  • Upload these images into your Google Drive and post to the "Getting Creative" page.
  • With each posted image add text that includes the lesson title and date.
  • Select a different background image for the header of the "Getting Creative" page.
  • Select a colored textured background for each posted photo section.

Post your New Google Site URL in the Assignment response box.

Assignment #10: Editing With Apps; More Snapseed

Read pgs. 356-399

  • Lesson 1: A few thoughts on Editing Wisely
  • Lesson 2: Fixing Lines and Angles with SKRWT
  • Lesson 3: The Editing Process and Snapseed
  • Lesson 4: Editing Case Study 1
  • Lesson 5: Editing Case Study 2
  • Lesson 6: Prints on Paper

Optional Download App: SKRWT

  • Explore more editing options on Snapseed.
  • Choose three images to experiment within Snapseed.
  • Save those images and upload to your Google Site.
  • Post those images to the "Getting Creative" page with Title and Date created.

Assignment #11: Adobe Spark Video

Download the Adobe Spark Video App.


  • Create a one-two minute Adobe Spark Video on any Famous Photographer


  • Create a second one-two minute Adobe Spark Video on various S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering/Design, Art, and Math) careers in photography.
  • Use the Free version (the Adobe Spark logo in the lower right corner of your presentation).
  • Copy the Adobe Spark URL
  • Upload this URL to your Google Drive
  • Go to your New Google Site and upload the video into the body of the "Famous Photographers and Careers" page.

Post Google Site URL to the Assignment Response Box

Assignment #12: Adobe Photoshop Mix, Creature Feature

Download to your Tablet or Smartphone: Adobe Photoshop Mix App for iOS or Google Play As of July 2021 Adobe is no longer supporting Adobe Photoshop Mix in the Apple Store, but Photoshop Mix is still available in the Google Play Store. (Free)

For apple products, please use another one of the following options:

Adoobe Photoshop Express:

is an all-in-one mobile photo-editing application that makes it easy and fun to transform your images.  Edit and retouch pictures, assemble collages, or combine photos in a tap to produce high-quality pictures anytime, anywhere – powered by the power and promise of Photoshop. Learn more here:


White, A. (2016) What's New in Adobe Photoshop Mix 2.0. YouTube 13:56

Add a new page to your Google Site, suggested title "Photshop Mix"

Activity: Creature Feature (Create one or more)

  • Upload images of any animals and a creative background into your camera roll.
  • Morph at least three salient features of each animal to create a unique animal.
  • Use Adobe Photoshop Mix to edit images.
  • Start with the background first and then add features.
  • Save and upload and save your created animal to your camera roll.
  • Upload the animal image into your Google Drive.
  • Post to your Google Website page, "Adobe Photoshop Mix."
  • Include photo animal creative name and or title and date
  • Share with:
  • Publish

Post the Google site URL in the assignment response box.



In this section, you will apply your learning to your professional situation. This course assumes that most participants are classroom teachers who have access to students. If you do not have a classroom available to you, please contact the instructor for course modifications. Assignments done in a course forum will show responses from all educators who have or are taking the course independently. ​Feel free to read and respond to others' comments. Group participants can only view and respond to their group members in the Forum. 


Assignment #13: Digital Photography Lesson Plans

Option A)
Adapt/create three lessons reflecting what you've learned in this course, including any photography concepts with other S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering/Design, Art, and or Math) components.

Implement these lessons with a small group and or the students in your classroom.

Write a 450-500 word Google Document commentary on what worked well and what could be improved.
Include any student feedback or noteworthy student products. Save the Google Document.

  • Create a new page suggested title: "Lesson Plans."
  • Upload your lesson to your Google Website "Lesson Plan" Page.
  • Remember to change the page heading image.
  • Add a colorful textured background to your posting.

Post the Google Website URL in the Assignment Response Box
Option B)
Use this option if you do not have a classroom available.

Adapt/create a lesson to reflect what you've learned in this course, integrating an art component with two other subjects (Do not implement it).

Write a 500-word article/essay about any Photography STEM to STEAM success during developing lessons, assignments, readings, or activities you've discovered during this course.
Please refer to the guidelines for The Heritage Institute's blog "What Works: Teaching at its Best" prior to writing your article.

  • Upload your article to a Google Doc.
  • Create a new page on your Google Doc, suggested title "Photography STEM to STEAM".
  • Post your article to your Google Website.
  • Publish.

Post the URL in the Assignment Response Box
When you submit your article to your instructor, please also email a copy to Yvonne Hall. THI blog curator and media specialist,

Indicate whether or not you are OK with having your article considered for publishing on our Heritage website.

As you submit your lesson, consider sharing it with other teachers taking our courses by checking the lesson library box.

Assignment #14: Unit Plan

Outline a simple unit plan enhanced with at least two core areas of S.T.E.A.M. plus Photography and Visual Arts. Include any STEM/STEAM career options from the core areas of choice.

Post either a 2-3 page Google Document, a mind map, a Prezi and or a Haiku Deck, Adobe Spark Video/Pages or any other presentation of your unit plan.

  • Post to your Google Website under Lesson Plans.
  • Change the title of this page suggested title: "Photography STEAM Unit Plan and Lesson Plans."
  • Upload your chosen presentation to your Google Drive.
  • Insert your Google Document or presentation.
  • Choose a colored textured background for your document post.

Post your Google Website URL to the Assignment Response Prompt Box.

Assignment #15: (500 Level ONLY) Assessment, Slides or Other Options

Complete 2 of the following options:
Option A)
Develop and administer to your class or group of students a formative and summative assessment on Digital Photography Using Smartphones, Tablets, and Apps. Include any vocabulary and technique questions that students may not have. Write a 3-page Google Document showing your developed formative and summative assessments. And or results describing any pre-formative, summative data

that you gathered on any pre-and post-testing assessment you developed. Insert your Google Document to your Google Website.

Option B)
Develop a Google Slide presentation, a maximum of 15 slides. Present an overview of Digital Photography Using Smartphones, Tablets, and Apps and how these course activities crossed any subject and or other curriculum areas. Include any created examples and or student samples.

This presentation should be available to present to administration, staff, teachers, and or
classroom students. Plus, Upload this Google Slide Presentation to your Google Website HOME page. PUBLISH.
Option C)
Another assignment of your own choice with your instructor's prior approval.

Post the Google Website URL in the Assignment Response Box your Assignment Response.


Assignment #16: (Required for 400 and 500 level)

(Please do not write this paper until you've completed all of your other assignments)

Write a 400-500 word Integration Paper answering these 5 questions:

  1. What did you learn vs. what you expected to learn from this course?
  2. What aspects of the course were most helpful and why?
  3. What further knowledge and skills in this general area do you feel you need?
  4. How, when and where will you use what you have learned?
  5. How and with what other school or community members might you share what you learned?


Instructors will comment on each assignment. If you do not hear from the instructor within a few days of posting your assignment, please get in touch with them immediately.


Debora Supplitt M.F.A-A.Ed./M.Ed. received her Masters (M.Ed.) and Bachelor of Art (B.A.) degree from San Francisco State University and a Masters of Fine Arts in Art Education (M.F.A.-A.Ed,) from Boston University. She has worked with students of all levels, including preschool, elementary, middle school, high school and professional educators. She is certified in Washington, Oregon, Arizona and California in Pre/K-12 Adult Education, is highly qualified in the core areas of Art, Music and Special Education as well as being a trained Washington State Intervention Specialist. Debora knows the importance of providing a creative environment where all students and teachers can thrive. Presently, she is working in her dream position teaching twelve visual and media art focused courses through the Heritage Institute. 

Debora continues to provides classroom teachers with the tools and resources needed to integrate art into the daily curriculum and is always busy developing new, creative and fun workshops for teachers. She is passionate about providing exciting, meaningful, useful and fun filled continuing education for all teachers.



DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: Using Smartphones, Tablets and Apps


Adobe Photoshop Mix iPad/iPhone App:

Google Play:

Adobe Spark: Video and Pages for Educators. (Free) 

Adobe Spark: Getting Started

Adobe Spark Video: Eight Different Project Worksheet Templates:

Adobe Spark Page App:  iPad/iPhone

Archambault, M. PetaPixel (2015). 8 Camera Shots and Angles from Cinema That Can Help Improve your Films and Photos

Au, S. (2018). How Mobile Photography Technology has evolved Over Two Decades of Phone Cameras. Article. Accessed April 25, 2020

Bradbury, J. Teacher Cast Network. (2018). New Google Sites for Beginners Tutorial-2018. 

Bradford, J. (2018).  Smart Phone Smart Photography: Simple techniques for taking incredible pictures with iPhone and Android.

Hong Kong Government (2018). Educational Blog, Camera shots and Angles. Handout Resource;

Wright, S. Learn Online Video (2017) The Rule of Thirds/What is it? Filmmaking & Photography Training YouTube 4:09. Accessed April 25, 2020.

Wright, S. Learning Online Video (20170 Leading Lines/How to Instantly improve your Films and Photography YouTube 3:31. Accessed April 25, 2020.

Wright, S. How to Make a Facebook Profile Video (with a seamless loop) YouTube 4:09.

Morgan, J.P. (2018) Laws of Light: 5 Portrait Lighting Setups. YouTube 15:00 Accessed April 25, 2020.

Sarah’s Store, Story Mountain Template Teacher-Pay-Teachers. (Free Download)

Sirlounge (2018) Fundementals of Lighting Techniques. Handout: