[semester equivalent = 4.00 credits]



Debora Supplitt



This course has been adapted from a 19th century French Drawing Course to fit the 21st Century classroom. Engaging video will provide the beginning to advanced artist the necessary classical foundation to render nature in both idealistic and realistic fashion.  Participants will learn to visually reference distance, notional space, lengths, angles and bit shading.

Guided videos show how to complete a Bargue's plate in charcoal. The thirty Da Vinci Initiative videos consist of approximately 4-5 hours of content that is broken down to instruct skills in a methodical, guided way. This course is appropriate for anyone wishing to learn how to draw more accurately. It can also be used directly in the classroom as a teaching resource.

In addition video study, participants will upload, reproduce and draw from 2D images from classical lithographic plates that are modeled from plastered casts of natural and man made objects.  They will then compare and contrast their drawing techniques between classical atelier to the "CopyIt" app, using iPad, iPhone or iOS app.


LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, participants will have:

Upon completion of this course, participants will:

  • Identify and apply the classical drawing process
  • Practice observation skills
  • Discover and appy drawing theory
  • Explore and create a drawing using the "CopyIt" app
  • Increase their visual literacy through identifying ways in which their drawing could be improved.

Completion of all specified assignments is required for issuance of hours or credit. The Heritage Institute does not award partial credit.

The use of artificial intelligence is not permitted. Assignment responses found to be generated by AI will not be accepted.

Completing the basic assignments (Section A. Information Acquisition) for this course automatically earns participants their choice of CEUs (Continuing Education Units), Washington State Clock Hours, Oregon PDUs, or Pennsylvania ACT 48 Hours. The Heritage Institute offers CEUs and is an approved provider of Washington State Clock Hours, Oregon PDUs, and Pennsylvania ACT 48 Hours.



Continuing Education Quarter credits are awarded by Antioch University Seattle (AUS). AUS requires 75% or better for credit at the 400 level and 85% or better to issue credit at the 500 level. These criteria refer both to the amount and quality of work submitted.

  1. Completion of Information Acquisition assignments 30%
  2. Completion of Learning Application assignments 40%
  3. Completion of Integration Paper assignment 30%


CREDIT/NO CREDIT (No Letter Grades or Numeric Equivalents on Transcripts)
Antioch University Seattle (AUS) Continuing Education Quarter credit is offered on a Credit/No Credit basis; neither letter grades nor numeric equivalents are on a transcript. 400 level credit is equal to a "C" or better, 500 level credit is equal to a "B" or better. This information is on the back of the transcript.

AUS Continuing Education quarter credits may or may not be accepted into degree programs. Prior to registering, determine with your district personnel, department head, or state education office the acceptability of these credits for your purpose.



Charles Bargue: with the collaboration of Jean-Leon Gerome Drawing Course.  3rd Edition

  • as a rent text for $30
  • paperback for $70
  • Hardback for $110
  • Or found at your local library.

Free downloads for 30 days can be found at
Charles Bargue Drawing Course Text cost Free: 30 day download

None. All reading is online.


This course is being released one episode per week on The Da Vinci Initiative YouTube channel. For those wishing to own the downloadable version or not wanting to wait for the entire course to be released, you can purchase the complete course immediately for $100. You can start improving your observational drawing skills and know that your donation will help create additional free online drawing courses from The Da Vinci Initiative! CopyIt App. $8.99 Download onto your iPad, iPhone, or IOS device.



Assignments done in a course forum will show responses from all educators who have or are taking the course independently. Feel free to read and respond to others' comments. 
Group participants can only view and respond to their group members in the Forum. 

Assignment #1: Introduction, Video Access, Pre-Formative Assessment

Write a 1-2 page response to the following questions and post it in the online response box.
Please introduce yourself (i.e. teaching assignment, location, level, etc.)

  • Why  did you choose this course? What is your background?
  • Describe your previous experience, if any, with Bargue’s Plates or classical drawing
  • Describe your classroom or home based setting
  • What age group or grade do you teach
  • For what discipline would you like to develop your lessons and unit plan (studio art, language arts...)
  • Please include if you are taking this course for clock hours, 400 Level or 500 Level
    Post your written response in the online response box

Download and gain full access to the video course “Bargue and the 21st Century”
Free access to all videos by donation to Patreon
$100 to download all videos for your library and classroom use.
(Note: Most videos are free on Da Vinci Initiative YouTube Channel.)

  • Check to see which online free videos may have been released and available.
  • Become familiar with the video course by taking the initial online tour of the Video Platform
  • Video Course overview is divided into seven (7) sections

    Download: $100 fee= Full lifetime access to Da Vinci Initiative Bargue Videos 1-28  (37 short videos including tips videos).
    An external hard drive may be needed to download all videos.


Section 1: About the Da Vinci Initiative. Bargue Lessons 1-6 (10)

  • About the Da Vinci Initiative
  • Ateliers
  • Materials
  • Tips
  • Easel Setup
  • Notional Space
  • Charcoal Sharpening
  • Tip
  • Proper Lighting
  • Why Bargue?

Section 2: Lines. Bargue Lessons 7-10 (8)

  • Straight lines
  • Plumb Lines
  • Follow Through Lines
  • Pushing Out
  • Possible Mistakes

Section 3: Blocking In-Your Design.  Bargue Lessons 11-14 (5)

  • Checking Measurements
  • Smaller Shapes
  • Lines Continued
  • Lines Angles
  • More Structure

Section 4: Hand, Arm and Grid. Bargue Lessons 15-16 (3)

  • Small Lines Hand
  • Small Lines Arms

Section 5: Finishing Phase. Bargue Lesson 17-20 (6)

  • Shadows and Shapes
  • How to Render
  • Tip
  • Another Pass
  • Filling in Shadows and Shapes

 Section 6:  Completing.  Bargue Lesson 21-23 (8)

  • Rendering Form
  • Tip
  • Rolling the Eraser
  • How Light Works
  • Keep Going
  • Rendering the Hand Pt. 1
  • Rendering the Hand Pt. 2

 Section 7: Final Rendering. Bargue Lesson 24-28 (7)

  • Rendering the Forearm
  • Rendering the Elbow
  • Frequent Questions
  • Upper Arm
  • Final Corrections

Copy, download and enlarge to 11" x17" Bargue Plate 1, 23 image found in the Charles Bargue Drawing
Course Text book page 50. This will be your instructional image for the course, which you will find in the online environment for assignment #1.
Group Forum responses will be collected in a forum (visible to other learners) instead of individually.


Assignment #2: History and Lines

Read in Charles Bargue Drawing Course (CBDC) The History and Organization of the  Drawing Course,  pages 10-17.
Access, view and apply the tasks required in the following Da Vinci Initiative videos

Section 1: About the Da Vinci Initiative. Bargue Lessons 1-6  (7)

  • Support The Da Vinci Initiative on Patreon!
  • About the Da Vinci Initiative
  • Ateliers
  • Materials
  • Easel Setup
  • Notional Space
  • Charcoal Sharpening
  • Proper Lighting
  • Why Bargue?

Support The Da Vinci Initiative on Patreon! YouTube 1:01

Bargue Lesson 1-Ateliers.  YouTube 9:39 

Section 2: Lines. Bargue Lessons 7-11 (5)

  • Envelope
  • Plumb Lines
  • Follow Through Lines
  • Pushing Out
  • Checking Measure/Possible Mistakes

Bargue Lesson 7-Envelope.  YouTube 14:54

  • Create a "Charles Bargue in the 21st Century Classroom" binder. 
  • Divide the binder into seven or more focused areas. Add any other sections you feel may be helpful for your setting. The following is a list of the se areas covered in this course.Place any handout, downloads and/or lessons you find throughout this course in your resource binder. 
    • Section 1: About the Da Vinci Initiative and Materials
    • Section 2: Lines
    • Section 3: Blocking In Your Design
    • Section 4: Hand, Arm and Grid
    • Section 5: Finishing Phase
    • Section 6:  Completing
    • Section 7: Resources
    • Section 8: Other
  • Refer to the online bibliography resources list to download, print, and/or place in your materials binder any resources that may apply to your studio or classroom setting
  • Gather all visual arts materials
  • From the online bibliography explore the Bargue lesson plans downloaded from the Da Vinci Initiative
  • Create your drawing set up, easel and/or foam core surface
  • Access a lighting source that can remain with your set-up

Written Response:

  • For your “Bargue in the 21st Century Classroom ” resource binder create one of the following:
  • Using either an Excel Spread Sheet or Word Document creating a classroom materials list of items needed for teaching Charles Bargue Crawing Course to a classroom of students.
  • Include vendor name, item cost, total cost, and add sales tax plus possible shipping costs.
  • Create a material replacements list for your personal use.
  • Include vendor, item cost, total cost add sales tax and possible shipping costs.

Attach the documents to your assignment response box.
Group Forum responses will be collected in a forum (visible to other learners) instead of individually.

Assignment #3: Blocking In Your Design

Read from CBDC Notes on the Plates, pages 98-127
Begin to create your drawing by accessing, viewing and applying the following DVI videos.
Section 3: Blocking In Your Design, Video Lessons Bargue 12-14 (4)

  • Smaller Shapes
  • Lines Continued
  • Lines Angles
  • More Structure

Bargue Lesson 12-Smaller Shapes. YouTube 14:35

Bargue Lesson 13-Lines Continued YouTube 15:28

Discuss in a 1-2 page of no more than a 250 word document, Charles Bargue's view on organizing the drawing process
Include how you might apply this to your own practice either in the classroom or in the artist studio

Post your word document in the assignment response box.
Group Forum responses will be collected in a forum (visible to other learners) instead of individually.

Assignment #4: Hand, Arm and Grid

Study the Bargue's plates from CBDC pages. 28-97

  • Choose, copy and print, for your resource binder, any 5 plates you would consider using for either a classroom setting or in and artist studio.
  • In a short 500 word document discuss which plates you decided upon. Include the page number, plate number, plus a short description of the plate. Include how you would use theses plates for your studio/classroom settings.

Post to the Assignment Response Box

Continue with your drawing by accessing, viewing and apply the following DVI videos
Section 4: Hand, Arm and Grid. Bargue Lessons 15-16 (3)

  • Small Lines Hand
  • Small Lines Arms
  • Tips

Bargue Video Lesson 15: Small Hand Lines
Bargue Lesson 16-Small Lines Arms

Assignment #5: Finishing Phase

Continue with your drawing by accessing, viewing and apply the following DVI videos.
Section 5: Finishing Phase. Bargue Lesson 17-20 (6)


  • Tip
  • Another Pass
  • Filling in Shadows and Shapes

Bargue Lesson 20 - Filling Shadow Shapes

In CBDC read Charles Bargue, The Artist, pages 252-281
In a short word document of 250 words, discuss the education, influences, and process that lead Charles Bargue in his artistic career.
Post to your Assignment Response Box.

Assignment #6: Completing and Final Edit

Access, view and apply the following DVI Videos

Read the following Blog Post

Post to your Assignment Response Box. Group Forum responses will be collected in a forum (visible to other learners) instead of individually

Assignment #7: Final Rendering

Access, view and apply the final videos to your drawing
Section 7: Final Rendering: Bargue Lesson 24-28 (7)

Read from CBDC page 323. Study the Pros and Cons Concerning Sight-Size Technique

  • Attach a jpeg of your final drawing to the Assignment Response Box 
  • In a short 2 page word document, 500 words or less, discuss your process, the areas you found enlightening, struggles and time spent rendering.  Discuss your thought process of determining when your drawing was completed.
  • Also outline an overview of this process and how you would introduce the pros and cons of this process to your studio/classroom students.

Post to your Assignment Response Box

Assignment #8: CopyIt App

Download onto your iPad, iPhone, or IOS device the CopyIt App $8.99

  • Choose one of your selected "5" Barque Plates to draw from assignment 4.
  • Take a screen shot of your image on your device.
  • Upload in the CopyIt App.
  • Review the CopyIt tutorial.
Explore the CopyIt App.
Choose one of the grid.  I recommend a 1/6 Grid.
  • Add the "AO" letter number guide
  • Use a ruler or straight edge to grid your drawing paper lightly with a HB light pencil on the recommended 1/6 or 6"x6" grid (or grid size you choose).
  • Add your "AO" letter and number the boxes the exact same areas as seen on your device.
  • Use the Target on the right side to view only one frame at a time.
  • Begin Render your image.

Once completed post upload your image and send it to your mailbox. 

  • Download the image from your mailbox and attach to your Assignment Response Box.
  • In a word document discuss in 250 – 500 words the pros and cons to rending an image with the use of technology. 
  • Include any discovered techniques or variables using the CopyIt app.

Post to the Assignment Response Box. Group Forum responses will be collected in a forum (visible to other learners) instead of individually.  



In this section, you will apply your learning to your professional situation. This course assumes that most participants are classroom teachers who have access to students. If you do not have a classroom available to you, please contact the instructor for course modifications. Assignments done in a course forum will show responses from all educators who have or are taking the course independently. ​Feel free to read and respond to others' comments. Group participants can only view and respond to their group members in the Forum. 


Assignment #9: Bargue’s Plates Drawing Course Unit

Using the Da Vinci Lesson Plan format found at: or any lesson plan template you choose

  • Develop three to five (3-5) lesson plans on the process of Charles Bargues Drawing Course. Develop these lessons with the idea of integration into one part of the common core curriculum or “STEAM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and/or Math). Approach this assignment for your particular grade level, setting, or studio practice. This unit may include activities you have developed as a result of this course.
  • Given the following Inquiry Cycle: Stripling, Barbara K. 2003. “Inquiry-Based Learning" create a unit of study that is supported and enhanced with Charles Bargue's Drawing Course. Post a three to five (3-5) page word document, a mind map, a Prezi or a Haiku Deck presentation of your unit plan.
  • Develop a solid base online artist portfolio of the drawings you have created from this course and include any other Charles Bargue Plate Drawings you have created within an Atelier setting.
  • Attach formatted portfolio web site URL to access for review.

Post to your Assignment Response Box. Group Forum responses will be collected in a forum (visible to other learners) instead of individually

Assignment #10: Implementation of Unit and/or Lessons

  • Implement the unit plan you developed in assignment #9 and write a three to five (3-5) page overview, include your reflection and possible adjustments for each of your developed lessons
  • Please include and mention any specific student achievements and include jpeg samples of student work products
  • Write a three to five (3-5) page paper discussing the experience of participating either in an Atelier or studio setting. Include your process for the Charles Bargue Drawing Course, and how this experience has altered your drawing skills and/or teaching skills.
  • Provide an overview of the program you participated in or with. Include an overview of this course outline and what skills were introduced, hours completed, for each session and how this course contributed and enhanced your drawing skills and applied techniques
  • Participants taking this course for 400 Level inform your instructor that this is your final assignment.
  • Post to your Assignment Response Box

Assignment #11: (500 Level ONLY)

In addition to the 400 level assignments, complete one of the following

Option A)
Conduct online research for articles that point to the advantages and challenges of using Charles Bargue Drawing Course for instruction, and summarize your findings in a two to three (2-3) page paper.
Option B)
Prepare and present your unit of study or portfolio from assignment #9 in a Power Point, Prezi, or Haiku Deck format to your faculty, collaborative group, or to a colleague. Accompany your presentation with a one to two (1-2) paper, in which you discuss any comments, adjustments, or ideas that may have been generated by your presentation.
Option C)
Another assignment of your own design with the instructors prior approval.
Participants taking this course for 500 Level inform your instructor that this is your final assignment

Post to your Assignment Response Box. Group Forum responses will be collected in a forum (visible to other learners) instead of individually


Assignment #12: (Required for 400 and 500 level)

(Please do not write this paper until you've completed all of your other assignments)

Write a 400-500 word Integration Paper answering these 5 questions:

  1. What did you learn vs. what you expected to learn from this course?
  2. What aspects of the course were most helpful and why?
  3. What further knowledge and skills in this general area do you feel you need?
  4. How, when and where will you use what you have learned?
  5. How and with what other school or community members might you share what you learned?


Instructors will comment on each assignment. If you do not hear from the instructor within a few days of posting your assignment, please get in touch with them immediately.


Debora Supplitt M.F.A-A.Ed./M.Ed. received her Masters (M.Ed.) and Bachelor of Art (B.A.) degree from San Francisco State University and a Masters of Fine Arts in Art Education (M.F.A.-A.Ed,) from Boston University. She has worked with students of all levels, including preschool, elementary, middle school, high school and professional educators. She is certified in Washington, Oregon, Arizona and California in Pre/K-12 Adult Education, is highly qualified in the core areas of Art, Music and Special Education as well as being a trained Washington State Intervention Specialist. Debora knows the importance of providing a creative environment where all students and teachers can thrive. Presently, she is working in her dream position teaching twelve visual and media art focused courses through the Heritage Institute. 

Debora continues to provides classroom teachers with the tools and resources needed to integrate art into the daily curriculum and is always busy developing new, creative and fun workshops for teachers. She is passionate about providing exciting, meaningful, useful and fun filled continuing education for all teachers.




Ackerman, G.  Charles Bargue with the collaboration of Jean-Leon Gerome Drawing Course. Acr Edition (Acc); 3rd edition (2011) paperback, 336 pages. ISBN-13: 978-2867702037.  This book is essential for those students who wish to study art seriously, and to make themselves capable in order to draw.

Aristide. J. (2010) How to Sharpen Charcoal.

Bargue Drawing Course Word Press Blog (2014).  Three selected sets of copied Bargues plates for educational use only.

Da Vinci Initiative (2016) YouTube Channel to access weekly videos. 

Da Vinci Initiative (2016) Bargue and the 21st Century Video download cost: $100.

Da Vinci Initiative (2016). Bargues Plates Lesson. Retrieved Nov. 2016.  In this lesson students increase their visual literacy by applying a drawing process, learning new techniques for identifying and correcting drawing errors, and practicing their hand-eye coordination.

Da Vinci Initiative (2016) Bargues Plates Lesson Plan. Retrieved Nov. 2016:

Da Vinci Initiative (2016) Lesson Plan Format Examples various grade levels.  Retrieved Nov. 2016:

McIntyre, C.  (2014) 5 mistakes Artist Make Painting & Drawing Hands. Retrieved Nov. 2016