Math & Science


Course No. ED447N, ED547N

When Lewis and Clark began their journey west in 1804, their most valuable possessions were their journals.  Humans may now have explored nearly every inch of our planet, but there is always more to see and describe.  A nature journal is your ticket to a deep exploration of the world around you.  A nature journal is a place to record your encounters with the natural world - from the everyday to the sublime. Field sketches, regardless of the degree of artistic talent with which they are rendered, force us to look closely and observe nature as it really is.

Simply put, nature journaling is the regular recording of observations, perceptions, and feelings about the natural world around you.  The recording can be done in a wide variety of ways, depending on the individual journalist's interests, background, and training.  Some people prefer to record in written prose or poetry, some do it through drawing or painting, and others with photographs or tape recordings. Many people use a combination of these techniques.  This course will help you to integrate nature journaling into your art and science curriculum.  

Appropriate for teachers K-12. 


We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus

Upon completion of this course, participants will:

  1. Have prepared a field journal of observations and discoveries to use as a basis for instructional planning as well as a reflection tool.
  2. Have developed 12 drawings and taken photos of at least 12 native species of plants and/or animals .  Have talked with resource specialists to learn about the unique ecosystems in their area.
  3. Have observed first-hand the biological diversity of their local ecology.
  4. Have prepared lesson plans to use this information in classroom instruction.

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