Teaching Wellness

HAPPINESS DIET: Energize Your Brain & Body

Course No. ED449G, ED549G

While many books have examined the ways in which food impacts our physical health, The Happiness Diet, is the first one to clearly show a possible link between how we eat and how we feel. What if you discovered that the best place to find happiness was at the end of your fork? What if you discovered that as your waistline expands, your brain declines? What if you learned that mood foods in this plan include bacon, beef and eggs, foods you have been avoiding? Wouldn't you want to sign up today and explore the new research? Emerging data from the rapidly changing fields of neuroscience and nutrition show "that by changing what you eat, you can improve your mental and emotional well-being; you can even make your brain grow." 
During this course of study you will learn how the foods you eat can keep you well. You will also learn more about how small changes have stripped the American diet of nutrients. This course is appropriate for all K-12 teachers, coaches, and parents. Your transformation will start on day one with practical advice, recipes, and feel good foods. Join me for this journey. You will spread your happiness to others. Appropriate for all educators.

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
  1. Understood why our food is making us unhealthy AND unhappy, and can lead to illnesses including depression and diabetes.
  2. Developed a plan to break old habits, conquer procrastination, manage stress, and focus healthy lifestyle goals.
  3. Learned which foods create good moods; the essential elements of happiness.
  4. Explored the myths about foods that, according to this research, have plagued the American public.
  5. Identified the top reasons to avoid supplements and the research behind this opinion.
  6. Learned the simple changes that make a big difference with food lists, shopping tips, and brain-building recipes.
  7. Learned which foods are simply good for the brain and be able to articulate why.

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