January 22, 2020
We all use Wait Time, a typical 7 second or so pause, to enhance the richness and quality of student responses.
Here’s a variation: extend class time spent thinking by listening to multiple responders.
Here’s how:
1. After the typical 7+ seconds move closer to the class to stand and wait
SILENTLY with your hands at your side.
2. Then like an orchestra conductor field many answers from around the
learning space.
(All students expect to be called upon to participate, hands up or not)
3. Next, pause for a moment of silence before revealing which response
is best and why.
With older students (3rd grade and up) let them throw a soft ball object from respondent to respondent until you feel sufficient responses have been heard including the most appropriate one (convergent thinking) or one that develops an answer (divergent thinking.) Instead of immediately revealing which response is best, let students decide with supporting evidence or if they must, throw the ball to you, the guru.
Compose those quality questions beforehand.
Use How, What, Why, Where and When.
As with any questioning remember to ask just ONE Question at a time.
If there is an “and” connector then it is more than one question.
THI instructor, Julie Bora, wrote this guest post.
For more information and to view courses offered by Julie Bora,
visit our website at www.hol.edu