June 23, 2018
During a lesson how do you mentally measure where students are in their progress towards learning goals?
If you are like most of us then you may admit that more or less you sense it as a feeling based upon the engagement of the entire class. But what if there is a technique that takes away this guesswork?
Good news: There is! And it goes by the name of Targeted Questioning, the only type of assessment that seamlessly operates continuously during the course of learning to provide live stream real-time data where previously none existed.
Want to try out Targeted Questioning? It is as simple as 1-2-3!
1. Choose three or less key points of transition in a lesson and plan to insert a round of questions at each point.
2. Compose a number of specific, open-ended questions to be executed quickly, in less than a couple of minutes.
3. To gather the best data we want to be strategic and intentional about to whom we ask these questions. So… select 5 students, two in the middle, two who take a little longer, and a high flyer who expects to be called upon.
Now use your real-time sample to:
-Know when to revisit a topic or skill to systematically recalibrate questions for students to advance.
-Identify gaps between current and expected skills and knowledge to determine which part of the lesson wants more practice.
-Find out which learners require additional direction and peer/teacher support.
When we activate our own Targeted Questions with cross-class sampling based on individual learning rates, we transform traditional usage of questioning into a game changer in learning.
Want to learn more? Check out the course: Check For Understanding: 10 New Techniques from TLC 2.0
Julie Bora, instructor for The Heritage Institute, online continuing education courses for teachers has a B.S. Biology/Pharmacology, M.S.T. Pre-K -6 Elementary Education.
One of Julie's favorite philosophies is:
If you want to build a ship, do not call forth people to collect wood, and do not assign tasks and work. Teach people to long for the beautiful immensity of the endless sea.