February 8, 2017
Welcome to February! This month we are featuring: Writing with Kids: Real Writing with Real Results.
Inspire great writing from your students with writing workshop tools and techniques that provide structure, content, and increased confidence in your own writing and teaching. In this course you'll join writer and children's author Deb Lund who was already instructing teachers about writing with kids when the text we'll use by Lucy Calkins, The Art of Teaching Writing, was first published in the mid-1980's. Become a mentor for your students and model the writing process as you explore fiction, memoir, essay, and poetry writing together. This comprehensive course will help give you the excitement you've longed for in your writing teaching.
Appropriate for teachers of grades K-12.
For the month of February 2017, enjoy taking Writing with Kids: Real Writing with Real Results for credit (400 or 500 level) at the clock hour price! The discounted credit tuition is reflected on the web.
Deb Lund is a bestselling children’s author, a creativity coach who partners with those who want more joy and meaning in their lives, and a past classroom and music teacher, teacher-librarian, and founding director of an arts-based school. Deb is a popular presenter at schools, libraries, and conferences. Her master’s project focused on teaching writing, and for the past few decades, she has taught teachers, students, and writers of all ages. Deb is especially passionate about supporting those who share her commitment to getting kids reading and writing. Learn more about Deb at www.deblund.com