Professional Development Courses for Educators.
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Professional Development
Courses for Educators.
PO Box 1273
Freeland, WA 98249
360.341.3070 (fax)
Enjoy discounted 400/500 level tuition on our monthly featured courses. This month's courses are:
Course No. CM403s, CM503s
Are you wondering how to generate a STEM buzz in your classroom? Tinkercad is an amazingly easy-to-use, powerful program for creating 3D digital designs that are ready to be 3D printed. This 3D modeling program empowers students to design all kinds of things, from custom homes to Mayan statue replicas, to cell models and engineered 3D-printed fidget spinners.
Course No. ED471r, ED571r
Develop hand-on project-based curriculum learning Digital Photography lessons using smartphones, tablets and apps that foster growth mindset and infuse your classroom with enjoyment, playfulness, and active learning.
Ignite and unlock every student’s creative potential by accessing daily device students already know and possess, smart phones, and tablets.
With the use of the downloaded text and resources participants will develop an understanding and learn basic photography principals, techniques, and the use of simple, yet powerful, Free editing apps.
Course No. ED470x, ED570x
Join this class to discover how to cultivate you and your student's right brain creativity and curiosity. Explore basic drawing skills and techniques while tapping into the Right Side of the Brain. You'll learn the fundamentals of creative right brain basic drawing, Gestalt, light and shadow, space, edges, and these relationships to each other while building creative drawing confidence.
Course No. ED450J, ED540J
Learn how to use drama techniques to make everyday classroom lessons come to life. Drama Games give teachers a new educational tool for any subject by using improvisational theatre concepts as an active form of learning.
Course No. CM401N, CM501N
This course meets OSPI's STEM requirements.
Looking to have both you and your students create lessons that are even more exciting, effective and interesting than what you doing right now? Interested in matching those types of lessons with your current curriculum? Ready to take your class to the next level? If you answered yes, then this course is for you.
With a simple video camera, computer and one of the many free media production tools available, anybody can become a video producer. Now we can go beyond just the text and enter the visual.
All assignments are available online and designed to help you become a sophisticated producer one step at a time. Assignments come complete with samples and suggested software.
Course No. HU404P, HU504P
Have fun building art into your teaching by exploring Portland's extensive collection of public art. Course materials, tours of the city and the 'Percent for Art Program' will help you use historic murals, bronze and stone sculptures, paintings, carvings, ceramic tile work and more to enhance your elementary and secondary art and social studies programs. You will develop integrated art lessons that involve students in cooperative learning projects.